We’ve been honoured to work with and alongside many amazing groups, organisations and small businesses in Berlin and beyond. Here are a few – please support their work! (If your group has collaborated with aequa over the last years and you’d like to have a link to your organisation or project on this page – please drop us an email at hello@aequa.cc.)
Berlin Collective Action e.V. exists to give support and aid to those most impacted by risk and violence in Berlin, as a result of COVID-19 and its egregious economic aftermath. https://www.berlincollectiveaction.com/
The first intersectional work & social club in Germany. BIWOC* stands for Black, Indigenous and Women* of Colour, including trans women and femmes, and our non-binary and gender non-conforming siblings of colour. http://biwoc-rising.org
Books Beyond Bars UK is a collective of volunteers who send books and other educational materials, free of charge, to incarcerated LGBTQIA+ people across the United Kingdom. https://beyond-bars.org/
DICE Conference + Festival is a music and discourse festival creating a more equitable model for music spaces. DICE hosts a comprehensive programme of lectures, workshops, panels, artist talks, and reading groups, as well as a live music programme, drag performances, sound installations, and commissioned works. https://dice.berlin/
Éclat Crew is a Berlin-based Electronic Music Collective aiming to support, promote, and inspire the practice and output of female*, trans and non-binary artists through collaboration and cooperation. They meet fortnightly – online, or in person in Berlin when it’s possible – to work on shared music-making challenges. They also throw parties, and collaborate with other collectives and events around Berlin and Europe. https://www.eclatcrew.com/
A collective seeking to nurture the emergent counterculture to dominant practices in the international justice space. https://www.emergentjusticecollective.org/
Empower is an afro-futurist and queer-feminist festival featuring some of the most important music, audiovisual and visual art being made by queers and people of colour today. https://iampower.in/
The Feminist Food Club supports trans and cis women as well as non-binary people in the food industry, and exposes sexist, classist, and racist issues in gastronomy. https://www.feministfoodclub.com/
FemmeFitness is a workout class combining fitness workouts, (a)sexual empowerment and online feminist discussions. Currently taking place every Monday evening online! https://www.facebook.com/femmefitnessss/
“We are a community of kick-ass grrls who gave our hearts away to Berlin a long time ago. We’ve all been on our own unique paths to somehow find our way to each other.
This project was born out of a desire to uplift and inspire ourselves, and others who are building their lives in this weird and wonderful town we now call home” https://www.grrlgangberlin.com/
Get-home-safe (Komm-sicher-nach-Hause) und Everyday Trans Solidarity campaigns by Kes Otter Lieffe https://otterlieffe.com/trans-solidarity/
The Left Berlin is an online news and comment journalism project providing a platform for a broad range of progressive perspectives. This journalistic project is run by a small group of volunteer editors which grew out of the Berlin Left Internationals. theleftberlin.com/
Loom seeks the collaboration with educational institutions to put issues of racism, islamophobia, LSBTIQ and / or prejudice in general on center stage. https://www.loomverein.org/
Bringing together illustration & social change
#migrant #diasporic #bipoc 🌈
Celebrating diversity & community🌙 linktr.ee/ousa.collective
Anja (Pin Primrose) is a breathwork teacher and herbalist based in the UK. They offer group and 1:1 online breathwork sessions including LGBTQIA only spaces and breathwork with herbs. https://www.pinprimrose.co.uk
Refuge Worldwide is an online radio station founded to amplify the music and issues that we care about, broadcasting 24/7 from Neukölln. Check out the monthly aequa Radio show there: https://refugeworldwide.com/
The mission of the Solidarity Apothecary is to materially support revolutionary struggles and communities with plant medicines to strengthen collective autonomy, self-defence and resilience to climate change, capitalism and state violence. https://solidarityapothecary.org/
An alliance of different individuals and organisations working against borders and for freedom of movement. In solidarity and cooperation with Refugees in Libya. https://linktr.ee/solidaritywithrefugeesinlibya
Do you believe that everyone should have access to good, healthy and fairly made food? Join SuperCoop, a supermarket where we are not only customers. We own and run it together too! https://supercoop.de/en/home-page/
Bücher und Kunstprodukte, die verdeutlichen & feiern, dass es mehr als zwei Geschlechter: https://www.transfabel.de
Transmission Network is a vision, activities and community building all circulating around the Politics of the Dance Floor. https://www.transmissionnet.org/
Women in Exile is an initiative of refugee women founded in Brandenburg in 2002 by refugee women to fight for their rights. https://www.women-in-exile.net/
Zoe Langer is a UX & Graphic Designer based in Berlin, Germany. Her work is focused on small business, community building, and social justice. She designed the aequa logo and parts of this website. http://www.zoelanger.com/