Welcome to aequa events!
Find more information on our events, mutual respect policy, access and Get-home-safe, hier.

Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Volunteer Sunday

Get in touch at hello aequa cc for more details or to come and join us cleaning and renovating the community centre!💕

aequa Radio on Refuge Worldwide

Live from Oona Bar at 15:00!Tune in at https://refugeworldwide.com/ or join us in person at the barThis month's theme is STORYTELLING

Neurodivergent Mutual Support Group – early October

RSVP here to join and get the video conference link. https://airtable.com/shrLpVNPfUKPLu8FJWednesday, October 6th 20217pm-9pm Berlin time (UTC+1)OnlineJoin us for the next meeting of our Neurodivergent Peer Support Group! (More information on Neurodiversity here and here)This group will be held in English.WHAT IS A PEER SUPPORT GROUP?Peer Support Groups are a chance for a group of individuals with a common ... Read More