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- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
CareerGxrls – Finding Your Inner Wh*re
April 24, 2021 @ 3:00 Uhr – 5:30 pm CEST

In this workshop, @shahd.a.kat will guide you through their techniques to help develop new personas that you can use to get to work work work. Personas can help us keep our anonymity, preserve our mental health and be playful with our clients!
There will be a discussion afterwards on how and where to advertise our personas based on our positionality. But mostly, this is a chance to play with your persona around safer people and meet other s*x workers!
If you have any questions, email us at careergxrls@protonmail.com
Register here!
Follow the organisers on Instagram at @careergxrls
The workshop series is free of charge for participants.
Open for s*x worker and accomplices;
Suggested LGBTQIA* between the ages of 18-27, but it’s not a must.
QT*BIPoC* will be prioritised.