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Designer Peer Support Group – Finding Inspiration
Tired of endless hours of sifting through images on pinterest, google, behance, etc., feeling your eyeballs slowly turning into glowing rectangles? Take a break & meet with other designers to discuss alternative ways of getting inspired by the world around us. Discover methods for catching the “big fish”!
This will be our second meeting of the Designer’s Peer Support Group (PSG), held in English only for now. In July’s kickoff meeting we discussed shared challenges, one of which was finding inspiration. New people are of course welcome. Sign up here: https://airtable.com/shrEiQAhxp9bKf7CN
aequa Peer Support Groups give folks with certain affinities (for example, similar interests, challenges or experiences) the chance to offer mutual support in the form of peer-to-peer mentorship, feedback, advice and discussion. This also gives a forum to wrestle with how those with shared challenges or advantages can help to build a more equitable future for all.
We envision this Designer PSG as a decentralised crew that can support each other through:
Asking for/getting feedback on designs, prototypes/drafts or design opportunities
Sharing design resources, like a free icon set or online courses, for example
Starting a design book club — for example, reading Design Justice (https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/design-justice)
Attending design meetups or conferences together
Hosting workshops or webinars on a design-related topic to share knowledge
For those who are interested, graphic designers in this group can also opt to support aequa’s work by taking on pro-bono design tasks. This is not a requirement to join the group.
Please bring your mask with you!
We have a Trust Till (Kasse des Vertrauens) at the place as well, where you can buy some snacks.
Are you interested in joining us? Sign up here:
We’ll meet in the (lower level) lounge of aequa Community Centre. More about the space here:
Access info: