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MOSAIC: Illustrations and conversations on the relationships between future, ritual and memory
Januar 24, 2021 @ 2:00 Uhr – 6:30 pm CET
GET YOUR TICKET (From zero to 15 EUR – pay what you can)
MOSAIC is an exhibition exploring the meanings of — and relationships between — memory, ritual and future, featuring original works of illustration by 18 BIPOC, migrant and diasporic artists. The collection has been curated by OUSA Collective for permanent display at the aequa Community Centre in Wedding.

In Berlin, a city of transplants, it can be hard for those of us with roots sprouted elsewhere to feel belonging. Sometimes that feeling springs from shared memories, from our shared sensory connections to histories or cultures we have come from. Sometimes it appears in shared rituals of celebration, spirituality, healing and commemoration. Often, despite our differences of experience, it’s our dreams of a shared future that bind us.
Shared space can be critical to discovering these connections. Spaces in which we can be our most authentic selves offer us a sanctuary — places to recharge from a world that so often drains us. There, we can explore the relationship between ourselves as singular individuals and our roles as pieces of a complex, constantly-expanding composite — a mosaic of our experiences and perspectives.
Join us on Sunday, January 24th for MOSAIC, a digital vernissage, including introductions of the works by the artists themselves, as well as community discussions, workshops and a musical performance around the themes that inspired these works. Like most aequa gatherings, this one will be grounded in conversation, so please join us to add pieces of your story to the picture, too.
Featured illustrations from: