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- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Summer picnic – Wedding edition (now Sept 3)
September 3, 2021 @ 5:00 Uhr – 9:00 pm CEST
Join us for an aequa summer picnic next to Plötzensee to connect, meet like-minded people and have fun.
UPDATE 25.08.21
Due to bad weather forecast for Friday, August 27th, we are postponing this event by one week to Friday, September 3rd. If the weather is nice, we will stick to our plan to meet at Plötzensee — see below for maps to where we will meet. In case of rain, we will do a limited-capacity potluck dinner at aequa Community Centre, Exerzierstr. 14, 13357. Covid test would be required for indoor event in case of rain.
Either way, bring your friends & food and drinks to share
You can also participate in our BOOK SWAP as part of this event. Do you have books or zines related to topics like social equity, social justice, mutual aid, radical/collective organising, queer liberation, environmental justice, or any books written by folks from underrepresented identities? Bring them along to the picnic and you can swap with someone for books you haven’t read before! This is a great way to meet someone new and have books to talk about together. Please note that you will be responsible for following up with this person to get your books back if you want to hold onto them long term. Or you can donate them to the aequa Bibliothek.
In case of rain, check back here or on our instagram or this page to find out about a new date.
Covid precautions:
- bring your own blanket, (limit 4 people per big blanket)
- this event is outdoors and in a public place, but we strongly recommend getting a negative covid-19 test within 24 hours to keep it as safe as possible