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The Left and the US Presidential Election

Oktober 30, 2020 @ 7:30 pm 8:30 Uhr CET

NOTE: only a very limited number of places are available at aequa, but this meeting will be livestreamed

Joint meeting with DSA Berlin.The Left is offered two unappealing choices in the upcoming US Presidential election: a right-wing authoritarian in Trump and a centrist Democrat in Biden. Is removing Trump from office the primary political imperative? Or should Biden’s record—supporting austerity, overseas interventions, and refusing to ban fracking—rule out any left-wing support for him? This meeting will examine the dilemma facing socialists in November, discuss arguments in favor and against each option, and explore alternate forms of political action to fight for progressive change after the election.This meeting will be livestreamed, and there is limited opportunity to view the meeting live. Please send an e-mail to lag.internationals@die-linke-berlin.de for information about coming to the live event.
