We host and invite people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Each of us is made up of a collection of intersecting privileges and oppressions. The languages spoken and understood are many and varied.
We strive to celebrate these differences and encourage an open, respectful and compassionate mindset. We try to avoid making assumptions about others, or projecting our own opinions as the only valid truth. We assume positive intent while addressing any negative impacts that result from these exchanges.
We do NOT tolerate racism, cissexism, ableism, ageism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia or other hateful opinions or behaviors.
While we encourage open discussions and flow of ideas, sometimes our attitudes and opinions may unintentionally cause discomfort and/or hurt the feelings of others around us. When this happens, it is important to listen and reflect on how and why the comment articulated may be distressing for others and avoid taking a defensive attitude. We are all at different points in our (un)learning processes. We value the safety and happiness of other people and acknowledge that everything is a constant process.
If you or anyone around you has a negative experience, please speak to the person working at the front desk during coworking, or the facilitator/organiser during events, or reach out to our team at hello (at) aequa (dot) cc
A word on safer spaces
So many of us have had difficult experiences with community spaces and we know – really, we know – that trust is earned, and that no space is completely safe.
That said, we are committed to the constant listening, dialogue and learning that is necessary to continue to make our shared spaces as safe as possible for as many different kinds of people as possible. To that end, we encourage our community to remember and adopt these Equity Mindsets in each space we open:
- We are all on a learning journey.
- We give space to learn and grow. We normalise the possibility for transformation.
- We listen to learn. We share our perspectives while understanding there are many.
- We aim to fight systems of oppression, not each other.
- We care for ourselves and each other on the way.