Upcoming events
View all previous and upcoming events on our Events calendar
About aequa events
Unless otherwise stated, aequa events are for anyone with an open, respectful, and collaborative mindset.
In-person events at aequa Community Centre take place here.
Access information for the CC can be found here.
Some events are by donation, if you would like to donate, you’ll find all the information how to here. Our paypal is hello (at) aequa (dot) cc
We’re staying up to date with coronavirus restrictions and precautions. Find a full guide here.
Our mutual respect policy here
Get Home Safe
Many people in our community are at risk moving around the city late at night.
Donations collected in our Get-Home-Safe pot can be used by people at risk for whatever they need to get home safer: a taxi, a public transport ticket, a ride-share etc. You can make use of the fund by asking the person in charge of any event at aequa CC. They will help you out, no questions asked.
You can support by dropping some change into the donation pot. Thank you!
A word on safer spaces
So many of us have had difficult experiences with community spaces and we know – really, we know – that trust is earned, and that no space is completely safe.
That said, we are committed to the constant listening, dialogue and learning that is necessary to continue to make our shared spaces as safe as possible for as many different kinds of people as possible.
To that end, we encourage our community to remember and adopt these Equity Mindsets in each space we open:
We are all on a learning journey.
We give space to learn and grow.
We normalise the possibility for transformation.
We listen to learn. We share our perspectives while understanding there are many.
We aim to fight systems of oppression, not each other.
We care for ourselves and each other on the way.