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Find more information on our events, mutual respect policy, access and Get-home-safe, here.

Equity Reading Circle – poetry edition

You can join this meetup in person or via online video.The Equity Reading Circle is a reading, discussion and action group focused on readings about or related to intersectional feminism, equality/equity, diversity, inclusion, and/or readings from authors from minority, marginalised or underrepresented groups.We meet every other Wednesday evening at aequa CC in Wedding. The circle is open ... Read More

Life Architecture part 3

Tickets here: www.universe.com/events/life-architecture-4-part-online-learning-series-tickets-Z3WH49To build the life you dream of, start by designing it. And what better time to reassess the lives we want to live than in the midst of this great shake-up?This four-part collaborative learning series is about getting unstuck — to move from where you are now in your life to where you ... Read More

Discussion Circle: Me & White Supremacy Workbook

If you are someone who might benefit from white privilege — if you're not sure, this might be a good way to find out — we encourage you to take the month of June to read and reflect on the prompts of Layla F. Saad's "Me & White Supremacy" and explore the ways in which ... Read More

Life Architecture part 4

Tickets here: www.universe.com/events/life-architecture-4-part-online-learning-series-tickets-Z3WH49To build the life you dream of, start by designing it. And what better time to reassess the lives we want to live than in the midst of this great shake-up?This four-part collaborative learning series is about getting unstuck — to move from where you are now in your life to where you ... Read More

Critical Masculinity Reading Group – #07

On 20th January, we will host the next session of our Critical Masculinity Reading Group.While we normally like to meet in person at the aequa Community Centre in Wedding, due to social distancing rules we're hosting our meetings online for the time being. Please register at the link below before 18:30 if you want to ... Read More

MOSAIC: Illustrations and conversations on the relationships between future, ritual and memory

GET YOUR TICKET (From zero to 15 EUR - pay what you can)MOSAIC is an exhibition exploring the meanings of — and relationships between — memory, ritual and future, featuring original works of illustration by 18 BIPOC, migrant and diasporic artists. The collection has been curated by OUSA Collective for permanent display at the aequa Community ... Read More

Free – 15€

Community Check in

Thursday Jan 28th, 18:00-19:30 Berlin timeThis is our regular digital community meet up, an online gathering focused on quick updates and taking care of each other. You are welcome to join from anywhere!On this month’s agenda:Warm-up: self massage by KesLearn more about our upcoming (and first) aequa Assembly meeting in FebruaryInfo on the upcoming Community ... Read More

Critical Masculinity Reading group

On February 10th, we will host the next session of our Critical Masculinity Reading Group.While we normally like to meet in person at the aequa Community Centre in Wedding, due to social distancing rules we’re hosting our meetings online for the time being. Please register at the link below before 18:30 if you want to ... Read More

Fundraising Working Group Kickoff Meeting

Deutsch unten.This is the official kickoff meeting for the newly formed aequa FUNDRAISING WORKING GROUP.The goal of this volunteer Fundraising Working Group is help us to organise fundraising initiatives and applications to support aequa Community Centre and related projects throughout and beyond the pandemic. Here are some of the tasks we might work together on:Creating ... Read More

aequa Assembly (online)

(Deutsch unten)Thursday Feb 18th, 18:00-19:30 Berlin timeSign up here to receive the zoom link Our first community assembly of 2021!aequa has grown so much and especially since we opened the community centre last spring our networks have been expanding fast. As so much of our work has been online recently, we know it's been hard ... Read More

Design Action Teams (Designer Peer Support Group)

(Deutsch unten)ENGLISHDesign Action TeamsThursday, February 25th 20217pm-8pm Berlin time (UTC+1)ZoomJoin us for a special, virtual "Action Teams" edition of aequa's Designer Peer Support Group.This workshop will be held in English.WHAT IS AN ACTION TEAM?Action Teams is a give-get exchange with a small team of participants. You give your feedback, advice, and ideas to help others ... Read More

Critical Masculinity Reading Group – March

On March 10th, we will host the next session of our Critical Masculinity Reading Group.While we normally like to meet in person at the aequa Community Centre in Wedding, due to social distancing rules we’re hosting our meetings online for the time being. Please register at the link below before 18:30 if you want to ... Read More