Many people in our community are at risk moving around the city late at night.
Donations collected in our Get-Home-Safe pot can be used by people at risk for whatever they need to get home safer: a taxi, a public transport ticket, a ride-share etc.
You can make use of the fund by asking the person in charge of any event at aequa CC. They will help you out, no questions asked.
You can support by dropping some change into the donation pot. Thank you!
For marginalised people, community participation is an essential part of survival and attending events can be an important part of that. Unfortunately, many people who attend events, parties and workshops by public transport are at risk, for example trans women/trans-feminine people, people with disabilities and BIPOC among others.
aequa has a get-home-safe donation pot for our in-person events at our community centre – check out event descriptions for more details.
Feel free to reach out to aequa or event organisers if you’d like to make use of the pot or make a donation
Would you like to have a Get-Home-Safe pot at your venue or event?
If you’re interested in setting up your own Get-Home-Safe fund independently, we’ve made a free guide to explain how!
Get-home-safe was created in 2019 by trans author and activist, Kes Otter Lieffe in collaboration with various nightlife events and venues in Berlin. The project was featured in Siegesäule, Europe’s largest LGBT magazine (article in German).
A huge thank you to community member, Zoe Langer for designing this super cute donation pot.
Frequently Asked Questions:
QUESTION: I want to take a journey home from an event at aequa CC. I would feel safer taking a cab/ride share – can I use the get-home-safe pot for this journey?
ANSWER: Yes! Just ask the person running the event and you can use any cash in the pot for/towards your journey..
I want to use the get-home-safe pot, will you ask me lots of questions about how ‘at risk’ I am on public transport or walking?
No questions asked. If you think you’d be safer with a cab/ride-share, we believe you and will try to cover the costs of your journey.
I feel okay taking public transport, but I usually travel without buying a ticket. I know the BVG security can be racist/transphobic etc – do you cover BVG tickets?
Absolutely, take the money you need for a ticket and we’ll try to keep some pre-paid tickets in there too.
Is it only for getting home or could I use this for getting to an event as well?
We’re happy to cover costs both ways but it might be good to check with us first to see if there’s enough money in the pot available.
How do I do that?
You can contact the event organisers directly or if there’s still some time before the event, email us at hello [at] aequa [dot] cc
What if there isn’t enough money in the get-home-safe pot?
We’ll do our best to keep enough in there. The pot is filled by donations from the community.
How do I donate to the get-home-safe pot?
You can drop some cash in any time or make an electronic donation via paypal (, please add ‘get home safe’ as a note) and we’ll put your donation in cash for the next event