Updated February 11, 2022
This is the ‘hygiene concept’ for the spaces of aequa CC at Exerzierstr 13 and 14 in Wedding, Berlin (hereafter, ‘the CC’, ‘our space’ and ‘our spaces’). This hygiene concept is a system to be maintained by users of the CC to reduce infection by SARS CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 and to create the safest possible environment particularly for the most at risk from infection.
These guidelines will be posted at the CC. All participants in CC events (including co-working and private rentals) will be made aware of any changes to the guidelines in advance.
aequa is dedicated to maintaining a high hygiene standard based on research to avoid covid infection and/or illness for the people who use our spaces. Maintaining the hygiene protocol is the responsibility of the person/s organising an event at the CC (including community events, private rentals, co-working and meetings).
The guidelines below will always be superseded by the needs of people using the CC who are more at risk from infection, who are unable to get vaccinations or are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 disease (for example, people who are immunocompromised.) It is the responsibility of the person organising an event to discover people’s needs, not the person at risk to have to state them.
Current guidelines according to the Berlin Senate
Berlin uses the terms ‘2G’ for a space where participants can show proof of vaccinated or recovered status and ‘3G’ for a space where participants can show proof of vaccinated or recovered status and/or a negative test within 24 hours.
Default guidelines – these guidelines are for general use of the CC unless an event falls under one of the exceptions below
- Distance Users of the CC must always, and in all rooms, maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters. Families, couples and/or persons living in a common household are exempted from this rule. This applies to a maximum of six persons. All possible care is taken to minimise contact while on stairways and in corridors. The maximum number of visitors per event room is determined by prescribed minimum distance and the space available for each visitor is dependent on the individual interior design. The maximum number of people per event room must be strictly observed.
- Masks A medical mask covering mouth and nose is mandatory for all users of the CC while moving in the CC until they have taken their seat. FFP2 masks are recommended. If the particular event does not have fixed seats for visitors, the mask has to be worn at all times.
- Contact information To facilitate contact tracing in case of infected visitors, all visitors are obligated to register with these data: first name and surname, postal address and phone number. The data will be stored for a period of four weeks after the event and handed over to the competent authorities only in case participants are found to be infected at the time of the event. These data will be destroyed after four weeks. Visitors who have been in contact with a COVID-19-patient or suffer from an infection of the respiratory tract infection themselves, are not allowed to participate in our events.
- Air ventilation All given possibilities of ventilation of the premises including sanitary facilities are used to supply as much outside air as possible to the premises. Multilingual notes with the rules for hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette are put up on the front door.
- Disinfection Soap and disposable towels are provided in sufficient quantities in all toilets. On each floor disinfectant dispensers can be found on tables. The stair railings and door handles are disinfected before and after each use of the CC. Armrests and tables are cleaned or disinfected before the event. All equipment used, such as the projector and the coffee machine are disinfected.
Currently, the space is fully 2G+ with negative test (24 hours recent) required to enter for both events and coworking. All visitors entering with intention to stay more than 10 minutes must show digital proof of vaccination or recovery status (to be scanned by the space or event manager for validation), and will be asked to show proof of negative test taken within the previous 24 hours, regardless of vaccination, boosted or recovery status.
All other default guidelines, including distance, masking and ventilation, are applicable. If the particular event does not have fixed seats for visitors or has a group of people in conversation, the mask has to be worn at all times.
Private rentals Several spaces of the CC are available for private rental. Participants of the meeting will be asked about their hygiene needs and the guidelines for the meeting will be adapted accordingly. Otherwise, default guidelines apply. Currently, the limit on private events is 10 vaccinated or recovered persons maximum. If you rent the space for a public event, then you are responsible for enforcement of the entry requirements listed above.
Meetings The CC is used for regular meetings related to the organisation. Participants of the meeting will be asked about their hygiene needs and the guidelines for the space where the meeting takes place will be adapted accordingly. Otherwise, default guidelines apply.
Handover between different kinds of events As the CC is used for events with different levels of hygiene, the following precautions are to be taken between events. Air ventilation All given possibilities of ventilation of the premises including sanitary facilities are used to supply as much outside air as possible to the premises. Disinfection The stair railings and door handles are disinfected. Armrests and tables are cleaned or disinfected. All equipment used, such as the projector and the coffee machine are disinfected.