Check out our new crowdfunding campaign to buy more amazing books for the library!

The library is at the aequa community centre in Wedding at Exerzierstr. 14. You can find more access details here.
We’re in the process of working out a new system for checking out books – watch this space!
Drop us a line at any time to visit the library.
The library now has a wishlist and a public inventory here so you can see what the library has on the shelves any time.

All books and zines have been donated from community members and from Trans*fabel (thank you!).
If you’d like to donate books or have any other questions, please get in touch with the library volunteers.
Our mission
The Equity Library was created in the summer of 2020 to meet an unfulfilled need. A small group of readers, writers, book collectors and activists came together online and began to dream of a community resource that highlights marginalised writers and subjects connecting to the work of the aequa community – solidarity, mutual support, and social equity. Precisely the resources often missing from mainstream libraries.
We imagined a space not only to lend out books and zines but for people to connect to others when they want to, to exchange thoughts and ideas. We imagined community members discovering the library one day and finding an unexpected gem on the shelves – a book they’d always wanted to read, or something surprising that would take their learning in a new direction. We imagined the moment in which they found a resource that made them feel more seen and less alone.
Later in the year, we began to pool these resources from donations and to create the structures needed to run the project. The work of organising a library brought us together as an international and horizontal collective and created a caring space to dream together under a winter of pandemic lockdowns. aequa community supporters -volunteers, co-workers and members of working groups – began to make appointments to take out resources and told us how much they enjoyed them. The library was becoming real!
Now that the community centre that hosts the library is open again, more is possible and our dreams are expanding. More book events. More discussion groups. More spaces for people to sit quietly together and enjoy the materials we’ve been so fortunate to receive.
We’re excited to start on this new part of the library journey and if you’d like to join us in organising it, or become a member of the library itself, we look forward to hearing from you at aequa dot library at gmail dot com.