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Social Equity Foundations: Systems at Play

// English below //"Social Equity Foundations" (”Grundlagen der sozialen Gerechtigkeit”) ist eine neue Lernreihe der aequa-Gemeinschaft, in der Mitglieder des aequa Workshops Collective interaktive Online-Treffen zu Themen wie soziale Gerechtigkeit, Intersektionalität, empfindlich Kommunikation, gleichberechtigtes Organisieren und Peer Empowerment leiten werden.Vorerst werden diese Workshops auf Englisch abgehalten. Bist du daran interessiert, ähnliche Workshops auf Deutsch oder ... Read More

Equity reading circle – early February

aequa Equity Reading Circle is a space dedicated to learning, connecting, exchanging, and engaging with the social movement work we believe in. We come to this circle because there is a lot we don’t know, and exploring together feels rewarding in a special way. We also come to this circle because we don’t want our ... Read More

Capitalists Anonymous – February

On Tuesday, February 8th, we will hold the next Capitalists Anonymous sharing circle from 7PM to 8:30PM Berlin time at aequa CC. For now, due to continued worries around the number of cases in Berlin, we will meet online. Please email capitalists_anonymous@riseup.net to receive the jit.si login for the event.The theme for this month is not set in stone yet, so ... Read More

aequa radio – February

Tune in every third Wednesday of the month at 14:00 on https://refugeworldwide.com/, or check out the archive.About aequa Radio aequa is a community for social equity, with a community centre in Berlin Wedding. We are an international, intersectional community united by our visions of a world in which everyone can thrive. We exist to build ... Read More

aequa Assembly

Sign up here to receive the zoom linkOur first community assembly of 2022!aequa continues to grow and decentralise, creating new ways to get involved, support and set up new initiatives. Our assemblies are a moment to come together with representatives from aequa working groups, collectives, reading groups and various other projects so we can all get ... Read More

Equity Reading Circle – late February

aequa Equity Reading Circle is a space dedicated to learning, connecting, exchanging, and engaging with the social movement work we believe in. We come to this circle because there is a lot we don’t know, and exploring together feels rewarding in a special way. We also come to this circle because we don’t want our ... Read More

aequa CC 2nd Anniversary – Open House

Deutsch unten //On March 1st, 2020, we officially moved in as the new tenants of the space at Exerzierstr. 14, and the aequa Community Centre was born.We’re super happy that we got to celebrate this space back in November with our Spacewarming, but given that this specific two-year anniversary is a testament to how much ... Read More

Capitalists Anonymous – March

Each second Tuesday of the month, we will hold the Capitalists Anonymous sharing circle from 7PM to 8:30PM Berlin time. For now, due to continued worries around the number of cases in Berlin, we will meet online. Please email capitalists_anonymous@riseup.net to receive the jit.si login for the event.The theme on this day will be one that was requested in ... Read More

aequa radio – March

Tune in every third Wednesday of the month at 14:00 on https://refugeworldwide.com/, or check out the archive.About aequa Radio aequa is a community for social equity, with a community centre in Berlin Wedding. We are an international, intersectional community united by our visions of a world in which everyone can thrive. We exist to build ... Read More

Beyond Visibility 2022

Isolation has become a part of life for many over the last two years. Incarcerated trans people know it all too well and receiving letters and cards can be a lifeline to a caring community.Beyond Visibility has become an annual solidarity event on March 31st, writing letters to queer and trans people in prison.For Trans Day ... Read More

Africans United Community – first meetup

Deutsch unten, Français ci-dessousMEETUP FOR PEOPLE FROM AFRICA AND AFRICAN DIASPORAWe hope this will be a monthly meetup for people who want to talk about and exchange experiences about issues that Africans face in Germany and also in Africa.Come by and we will have some teas and snacks, and a specific discussion topc for each ... Read More